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vendredi 10 mai 2019

The Ways To Know If A Dollar Bill Is Fake

By Jason McDonald

Counterfeit bills have been one of the most prevalent financial issues over the years. Not only does it impact banks and companies, but the average person that's simply trying to get by. With that said, there are ways to know if the dollar bill that you have, even if it's for a minimal amount, is fake. Here are a few ways to detect false bills, with Robert Jain, so that your finances remain on solid terrain.

According to authorities on finance like Bob Jain, one of the ways to detect a counterfeit bill is by looking at the printing. For those that don't know, authentic bills have raised printing, which means that you will be able to notice the difference by running your finger across the bill. If the printing in question seems smooth, there's a chance that the bill isn't authentic. This is a useful tip that more people should be aware of.

A watermark is one of the most common signs of bill authenticity. For those that don't know, a watermark is an image of the individual printed on the bill itself. Furthermore, it can only be seen when held up to light. Check the right side of the bill, as this is where said watermark is located. If you're unable to see it, or the image doesn't match up to what's printed, the bill is counterfeit.

The presence of security thread should tip you off to the authenticity of a dollar bill, too. If you've ever seen a thick blue or black vertical line running down the front of your bill, this is done as a means of security. For example, if you have a $10 bill in your pocket and it has a thread printed on the right, it has been tested for the sake of security. If not, it wouldn't be far-fetched to be concerned about the legitimacy of the money in question.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways to detect counterfeit currency, so make it a point to look at your bills to see if they're authentic. Even if you unknowingly pass them along, it can have serious repercussions in the future. In order to prevent said repercussions, pass along the money you believe to be counterfeit to the authorities. By being honest and upfront about the situation, you can rid yourself of this financial burden.

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