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dimanche 1 septembre 2019

Tips For Planning Your Yukon River Canoe Trips

By Stephen Russell

If you have been given leave at your workplace, the best way to spend the time is by vacationing. You can visit places you have never visited before and have lots of fun. For example, you can decide to paddle on one of the famous streams. In case you wish to paddle, book the Yukon River Canoe Trips and prepare yourself for an adventure. Paddling is exciting and fascinating. People get the chance to visit big streams and even fish. Before you leave for your journey, you should follow the following preparation steps.

If you are visiting this river, you should think about the canoes you are going to use. Usually, visitors will be provided with the kayaks. You can thus select the one you want from the many options. Also, you will be provided with accessories such as food barrels, floatation devices, paddles, and dry bags. You will also be dropped off and picked up from the stream.

You should also consider buying a guide book. This will help you to navigate the stream on your own in case you do not need a guide. Select a guide book that has been written by a famous author. Also, the book should have a clear font so that reading does not become difficult. These books are also available in the tour company you pick.

You should decide on the best time to visit this location. Usually, the summer season in Yukon is short. Winter is also freezing. During the early months of summer, the current is often fast. Thus, some of the lower camps may not be accessible. If you would like to view wildlife, you should consider visiting the place during mid-August. The guide book will help you determine the best time to visit the site.

To plan a paddling trip, it is not a must that you have paddling and wilderness skills. You can find time to learn. Thus, you will learn and become an expert within a short time. Before the trip, read lots of materials and seek professional help. Learn how to pitch tents, start fires, and paddle.

It is also critical to determine the period you wish to stay. When you know the time-frame of the trip, you will make sound plans. You will pack enough food and water and carry enough cash. Find out how long the paddling trips take so that you can organize your tour well.

Even if you plan to live on grocery food, the food barrels may not be enough to carry much food. Thus, you ought to make alternative plans for food. For instance, you can choose an area that has a grocery store around. Also, you can eat in diners. Another better option is cooking if you have a portable stove.

Clothing is also essential. Check out the weather and pack clothes that are appropriate. Also, you should think about the shelter as well. If you wish to camp, buy a suitable backpacking tent that will protect you from rain, wind, small animals and cold.

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