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lundi 13 mai 2019

Using Therapies To Treat Separation Anxiety For Dogs

By Kathleen Rogers

Regardless of age or breed, dogs may become anxious in response to situations. Although they express anxiety variously, it may lead to harmful and destructive behaviors if owners do not address it right away. If pups become anxious, the most common things they do is to hide under furniture, bark excessively, pant or drool. When it comes with Separation Anxiety for Dogs in Los Angeles, pet owners can perform different methods such as desensitizing or other alternative therapies.

Bring your dogs to the vet to eliminate any underlying issues. A simple act of behavioral change may indicate medical condition. If they are not feeling well, there must be something wrong with them physically. Veterinarians can rule out any medical issues surrounding the dogs anxiety. If no medical condition is found, then the vet can find a treatment for their separation anxieties.

Put blinders. Try using blinder caps to cover their eyes. This will help the canine decreasing their visual stimulation and only allows them to see shapes and not details which reduces anxieties. It works better for animals that are fearful of bright lights and flashes such as fireworks and thunderstorms. Make sure to test it out first to determine their comfortability.

Use calming garments. Owners can create or buy shirts and wrap them around their dog while putting pressure on their bodies to make them calm. This can greatly help them from separation anxiety, crate training, fear of loud noises, barking too much, leash pulling and hyperactivity.

Make arriving and leaving the home routine unexciting. Never try to make a fuss if you are going to leave and do not greet them after coming back. Take a few minutes before petting it. High arousal arrivals and departures will lead to inability when left alone. Try not to make any signs or gestures and avoid doing any recognizable signs that indicates leaving the house.

Talk with a veterinarian for any medication. In most cases such as moderate and severe cases, canines might be benefit from getting medicated. Inquiring the vet for any options and medications is important. Usually, medications are somewhat a last resort move especially when all other alternatives are no longer working.

For short terms, sedatives will make the animal too sleepy and does not show signs of anxiety. The brain will be reduced and gaining new abilities will be restraint. The training that is done will somewhat be forgotten especially when the medications have stopped as well. Some medications will cause disorientation and amplify the distress they feel when being anxious.

Never punish them for any anxious behaviors. Dogs must never be scolded nor punish when they are suffering from anxieties. Berating them just because they show signs of anxieties will only increase their conditions. Keep reminding yourself never to hurt them because their behavior they are just acting out of anxiety. Punishing them will never stop their behaviors but only worsen.

Try using rubber toys that can store anything from peanut butter to dog biscuits. When using chewable toys, always choose high quality and durable products. Keep in mind that treats will only be useful for mild cases of anxiety and not for severe or moderate cases. The best thing to do is to take them to a veterinarian for further assessment.

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