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vendredi 10 mai 2019

For Botox Injections Maple Grove MN Is Worth Visiting

By Helen Russell

Botox is a popular non-cosmetic treatment which is used to treat several muscular conditions and cosmetically eliminate wrinkles by paralyzing muscles temporarily. It has numerous applications if used correctly although it is a very powerful poison. Excessive sweating, migraines and bowel and bladder disorders are among the conditions that can be treated using botox. When one needs Botox injections Maple Grove MN offers the perfect location to visit.

The injections finds use in many medical uses. Clostridium botulinum is the strain of bacteria from which Botox treatment is derived. It is found in several natural environment including lakes, soil, forests, intestines of fish and mammals. Botulinum toxin can result to botulism, which is a severe life threatening illness that when left untreated can cause respiratory failure and death. Estimations indicate that one gram of the toxin is capable of killing one million people.

Away from botulism being a serious condition, botox has been studied and redefined, rendering it suitable for human consumption. It is, however, still vital to know that botox treatment can be harmful. As such, having a good understanding of the doctor that one hires to provide the treatment is important. Factors to focus on are the experience of the doctor and how long they have been providing the treatment to people.

The fact that botulinum is a toxic substance has not hampered its demand. It is a valuable and successful therapeutic protein. When it is injected in very small concentrations, it has the ability of inhibiting signals in nerve cells from reaching muscles. This leads to paralysis since muscles are prevented from contracting. In some cases, it reduces abnormal muscle contractions, which eliminates stiffness.

This treatment commonly finds use in the improvement of how fine lines and wrinkles on the body appear. Besides use for aesthetic purposes, the product is also used to treat a wide spectrum of health condition like it is stated above. More than 20 different conditions can be treated using this treatment even as more applications are still being investigated. That means that more applications will come up in the future.

In order for this treatment to be injected into the neuromuscular tissue, the powder is weakened by diluting it with saline water first. For it to be effective, it takes one to three day. In rare cases, it may take longer than three days for results to be fully realized. Lactating and pregnant women and other individuals who have had negative reaction to the drug are strongly advised to avoid using it again.

Botox injection has numerous side effects. These are nausea, general malaise, migraines and double vision. There are few side effects associated with botulinum toxin as it is more tolerable. In some rare instances, some individuals are genetically predisposed to have unusual response to this drug. Also, there is a small number of individuals whose bodies develop antibodies against the treatment. This renders subsequent treatments ineffective.

It may also cause some abnormal effects, including numbness, reddening of the injection site, drooping of the upper lip or the brow, and diplopia among others. In spite of all the dangers of the treatment, its popularity continues to increase. The number of cosmetic minimally-invasive procedures was up 700 percent since 2000 to 6.3 million in 2013.

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