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samedi 11 mai 2019

For Best Pool Repair Gilbert Offers A Recommendable Destination

By Harold Cooper

Pool remodeling is an important process that should be done by a professional contractor. Pools usually need to be remodeled for different reasons such as upgrading its design to a modern one. Also, a structure whose structural integrity has deteriorated due to age, earthquakes, or human activity may need to be remodeled to make it safe for use. The process of renovating the structure is composed of several steps and activities. When in need of the best pool repair Gilbert should be visited.

First, the pool is drained since revamping cannot continue with the pool having water. The water, therefore has to be removed by pumping. This is normally done using a submersible pump that is dipped into the pool to extract the water. The procedure may be time consuming, depending on the size of the pump and that of the structure.

During the entire process, all devices which are linked to the pool are turned off. Once all the water has been pumped out, preparation begins. All damaged surface materials are also removed completely. The entire process is usually noisy and produces a lot of dust. It is advisable that any furniture on the patio be removed during this stage. Also, pots, plants and any other item should be removed.

Once preparation of the surface has been completed to satisfaction, it is then time for tiles, decorative features, and coping to be applied. The type of tiles to be installed is chosen by the client. Prior to masonry and tiling job being done, clear documentation of the pool and items and environment around it is produced. At this point, any other design ideas that a client may have are included into the process of remodeling.

The application of tile and masonry is usually the more involving. It takes between one and three days depending on the number of workers the company sends over for the job. The size of the pool will also determine the length of time it takes. After this stage, it is time to apply sealant to ensure that plumbing is waterproof.

After sealing, the installation of pool surface materials is done. It is at this shape that the structure takes shape and start to look resemble what it will look like after everything has been completed. A wide variety of finish materials like hydrazzo, quartz, pebbles, and beadcrete among others can be applied in this process. Some decorative materials are artificial while others are natural.

The finishing material selected may determine if the optional step of using acid to wash the surface is done or not. This process is part of cleaning, which then is followed by general cleaning of the entire structure and the surrounding areas. This is aimed at making sure that the surrounding area goes back to the same condition it was prior to the commencement of the project.

After cleaning, the contractor now will fill the structure with water. The water is filled to the brim of the pool. Leakage are tested for to ensure the sealant is working well. The water is treated and surface curing are performed as final stages of the project.

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