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vendredi 15 mars 2019

The Sun And Its Connection To Planet Earth

By Haywood Hunter

There exist billions of stars in the sky. Among them, the Sun is the closest to the earth. The sun lies in the middle of the solar system. It makes one rotation every 27 days. Formed about 4.5 billion years ago, it is assumed to be in its midlife. It is expected to continue shining for about five billion more years.

The sun's surface is known as the photosphere. Its temperature is about 5,778 K. The sun's core is, however, much hotter, with its temperature being about 15.7 million K. All this energy is produced via nuclear fusion. This is a nuclear reaction where two hydrogen nuclei fuse to form one helium nucleus, accompanied by release of energy.

A distance of 149.6 million kilometers separates the sun and the earth. The sun has a diameter of 1.392 million kilometers and an equatorial circumference of 4.379 million kilometers. These values are 109 times higher than the corresponding earth's measurements. Its surface area is 11,990 times that of earth, measuring 6.0877 trillion kilometer squared. Its volume is 1.3 trillion times that of earth.

The warmth from the sun achieves the earth through radiation. This vitality is known as sun oriented vitality. Note that the planet ingests just a little partition of this vitality, the rest is reflected back to space. The ingested warmth is in charge of life on earth. It is likewise the wellspring of the world's atmosphere, wind patterns and water cycle.

Plants use sun based vitality to make their own sustenance, through a procedure called photosynthesis. This is the fundamental procedure that makes sustenance accessible to all other living things. The sun is likewise in charge of the vitality put away in fossils, and also petroleum and coal.

The sun is earth's principle wellspring of vitality, giving both warmth and light. Sun oriented vitality is connected in lighting, fueling electronic gadgets and green houses to advance development of plants. There would be no existence without the sun.

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