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dimanche 3 mars 2019

Important Instructions On How To Use Sun Labs Ultra Dark Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Skin tanning is done for various reasons and with the main one being to protect it against harmful rays such as the UV. Methods such as the use of sun beds, sunbathing and sunless tanning are some of the key ways to achieve this skin care. Although other methods are also effective, most people prefer sunless tanning, especially Sun Labs ultra dark tanning lotions, and for good reasons. It comes in various forms such as self tanning lotion, tanning pills and accelerators such as bronzers.

Using its active ingredient (dihydroxyacetone, DHA), Sun Labs ultra dark lotions will effectively change the skin color from outside. Simply put, DHA reacts with dead cells on your skin to give a tan color. The tan color produced can actually protect the skin from any dangerous rays.

The availability of variety and that the Sun Labs ultra dark tanning lotions are cheaper, have given them an edge over the other means of tanning. They are available in all major distributor shops and have safe ingredients that do not expose the user to the risk of getting cancer. Considering the size of the bottles holding some Sun Labs ultra dark tanning lotions, one can easily carry it along on their trips.

While it is true that there are several advantages associated with a self tanning lotion, you must be decisive enough to enjoy any. You have to consider factors like the cost (whether your budget can cater for it). Also, you should be careful about the ingredients and preferably go for the natural ones. In some cases, pure aloe sticks out as a recommended ingredient. It is also advisable that you choose a Sun Labs ultra dark lotion with bronzers and moisturizers.

Additionally, you should choose Sun Labs ultra dark lotions with sunscreens as long as you can afford them. Sunscreens are essential components as they protect the skin from the ultra violet rays. Importantly too, you need to look at the longevity of the Sun Labs ultra dark lotion.

Provided you have the right Sun Labs ultra dark lotion, you will only need some materials to facilitate the application process. In most cases, it is more important to have all the materials ready before application of the oil to achieve the desired goal. Consequently, the effect of wrong application of the Sun Labs ultra dark lotion can be very unsafe to your skin.

You will therefore need, the right Sun Labs ultra dark lotion, Vaseline, blow drier, tissue papers and latex gloves. In addition, an exfoliating scrub, lotion sponge, hair band and mirror should be available. All will ensure a smooth application of the self-tanner.

Before you start applying Sun Labs ultra dark lotion, you need to shave, exfoliate the dead cells and then dry your skin using the drier. To protect your eyebrows, simple apply the petroleum jelly and then start the application on all the exposed parts of the head after applying the moisturizer. This is followed by the chest, shoulders, arms feet, legs and stomach, though not necessary in that order. Lastly, apply the Sun Labs ultra dark lotion on the back using the brush and then wait for approximately one hour for it to dry before retiring to bed. The tan color will be visible once you shower.

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