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jeudi 28 février 2019

What You Should Know Concerning A Genetically Engineered Organelle

By Nancy Burns

The small structures that perform particular functions in animal and plant cells are referred to as organelles. They are deeply and firmly fixed in the walls of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. Organelles are similar to the internal organelles found in the human body. The functions of organelles enable cells to work as they should. Examples are controlling reproduction and growth of cells as well as generating energy. Basic processes such as respiration in cells and photosynthesis also occur in these structures. Examples of organelles include the vacuoles, nucleus, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and chloroplast.

Genetic engineering makes it possible to modify organelles. Through genetic engineering, researchers are able to change the structure of the genes. This purposeful modification involves direct manipulation of the genetic profiles of organisms. The cells that have a genetically engineered organelle function differently. One or more traits that were not present in the organism can be identified.

There are multiple copies of organelles in cells and they have their own DNA. When an artificial chromosome or foreign gene is inserted into an organelle, the cell multiplies it, leading to the production of new cells with many copies of the inserted gene. In certain situations that can be induced, the cells of plants also raise the number of copies of their organelles. For this reason, the genetically engineered organelles can secure many copies of the inserted DNA, leading to a high level of expression of the engineered genes.

Genetic engineering, particularly that of plant chloroplasts is beneficial. One benefit if that the level of productivity in plants that have undergone this process increases. Farmers can therefore produce more food cost effectively. If food is cheap, then it would be easier to feed people worldwide.

Another essential promise for genetically engineered organelles for the biotech industry is that the foreign DNA can be passed to the next generation. The organelles are transferred through maternal inheritance as matching copies. Female animals transfer matching copies to their offspring and plants to all the seeds they produce, without changes. This can ensure the stability of genetically engineered traits from one generation to the other.

Plants and animals can also be modified through genetic engineering. They can be modified so that they mature faster. Genetic engineering can also enable plants to grow and mature even if the growing conditions are unfavorable.

Organisms can also be genetically modified to resist the typical factors that cause death. For example, scientists can alter the set of characteristics, which are unique to the DNA of plants so that they can resist pests. This way, the plants can grow and mature without requiring pesticides. Scientists may also modify the set of characteristics, which are unique to the DNA of an animal so that it will not suffer from the health problems that usually affect that breed or species.

Genetic modification of organelles also enables researchers to create specific characteristics in plants and animals, making them better for use or eating. For instance, genetic modification can make animals produce more milk or have more muscle tissue. Through genetic engineering, researchers can also create new products by bringing different profiles together. An example is modifying the genetic profile of potato plants so that the nutrients per kilo calorie in potatoes will be higher.

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