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vendredi 9 novembre 2018

The Uses Of Copper Finials

By Cynthia Green

Any element that marks the top or end of some object is called a finial. Finials are meant to play a decorative role. Finials are also called hip-knobs. Finials are used in many different fields. These fields include architecture and carpentry. The term finial is used in architecture with reference to a decorative device which is typically curved from stone. It is used to emphasize the apex of a tower, gable, roof, or dome. Here are some useful facts regarding copper finials.

The emphasis that is achieved by hip-knobs may be incorporated at the corner, end, or top of a structure or building. When many hip-knobs are used together, the name pinnacles may be used. In such cases, the structures may be of the same type and size, or they may differ. Pinnacles may be arranged anyhow without a specific order or pattern.

Also, hip-knobs can be used on much smaller scales whereby one uses them in making decorative ornaments at the ends or tops of poles or rods. In these cases, they find use in making items like bedposts, clocks, tent-poles, and curtain rods. Decorative finials are also used to fasten lampshades. Hip-knobs are also used to make handle ends of souvenir spoons.

The concept of hip-knobs is not a recent idea. There are several instances where ancient Roman and Greek buildings used these structures. This implies that the concept was already in existence even before ancient civilizations were founded. The existence of finials can be traced back to 700 A. D in Asian cultures. They were applied back then in decoration of pagodas.

Trade is often credited with the spread of this architecture to other parts of the world. As people from Asia met and traded with people from other parts of the world, the idea spread. When the Frenchmen finally developed Gothic architecture, hip-knobs were already known to them and they were included in architecture. From there, the idea spread even further into the rest of Europe. Since then, they have been adopted worldwide.

Considering the various uses of hip-knobs, they can be made out of almost any type of material. They are made out of materials like metal, plastics, and wood in carpentry. Other materials used for making them are composite materials, bone, stone, and masonry among others. Usually, copper finds use in making these commodities in different areas.

One can make hip-knobs to any size they want. One can make them small enough to be fitted on utensils and cutlery like spoons. Individuals can also make them to very large sizes so that they can form an integral part of buildings and other similarly huge structures. Also, one can create them into any shape they desire. For example, among others, plants, animals, automotive, heavenly bodies, geographical features, and human being are forms one can make them into.

It is also possible to use hip-knobs for other purposes other than just decoration. For instance, these structures can be designed in a way that they serve as lightning arrestors. Usually, they are made with the correct structures to allow them to conduct electricity from lighting into the ground.

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