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lundi 12 novembre 2018

How To Buy The Right Microbiology LIMS For Your Facility

By Thomas White

Purchasing the best laboratory information management system is definitely a huge undertaking. So, it is critical that the software that you invest in has the capacity to meet your current and future requirements. The guide that this article offers below can help you buy the best microbiology LIMS for your facility.

First, it is important to determine the information management needs of your facility. This will help you choose a system that will improve your operations. Also, it is vital that you choose one person from your team to head the project. Such a person will take the lead role in sourcing for and implementing a new LIMS in your laboratory. They will also be essential in defining the features that the ideal software should have.

Know the potential benefits. You can withdraw several benefits from installing and implementing a robust information management system. First, retrieval of all kinds of information will be significantly hastened. In addition, the use of papers and notebooks in handling different operations with the laboratory will be eliminated or minimized. Also, the production of all the relevant reports will be hastened. Still, the system can be configured to allow clients access results of tests done on their samples.

Identify potential vendors. Because, there are many suppliers of specialized information management systems, doing a research to identify the right ones to consider will be essential. You can locate reputable sellers of LIMS in your city, town or state through many avenues. For example, you can identify them through personal referrals from other laboratory administrators. Also, you can check online for suggestions and reviews on various vendors.

The next thing is to reach out to some of the software vendors that you have identified. Initially, you can call them up on phone so as to make inquiries and discuss your requirements with them. Later, you can visit their offices to have a one on one meeting with their teams. It is vital that you meet with both their product development and management teams. This will offer you a glimpse of what they can offer you.

Ask for a demonstration. Even before asking, most established sellers of LIMS will offer to show you how their systems work. This is an important stage in the process of sourcing for the right software product. During the demonstration, you should assess the features that the product being marketed has and their capability to work for you. Keep in mind that you are not in the market for a standards system, but something that is ideal for your operations.

Check compatibility and costs. Integrating the system that you settle on with your current software and hardware should be easy. Therefore, prior to selecting a product, ask its seller if you will need to invest in other systems for it to function optimally. Ideally, you should go for an option that you can implement without making huge financial investments.

Once you have picked on the right system, it will be essential to have it implemented as soon as possible. The implementation of a new software product involves lots of aspects. First, it is vital to review your requirements once again. This will be followed by configuration, interfacing, installation, and familiarization. The last steps are the loading of data and acceptance before going live.

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