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vendredi 9 mars 2018

Unique Features In International Project Finance Europe

By John Patterson

There are some big international projects like public infrastructure which can get finances so that they can be established. The operations in such ventures requires high initial capital. The country can ask for the required amount from a lending company. These loans are repaid depending majorly on the cash inflows after the establishment as the agreement has been stated. Discussed below are the unique characteristics associated with international project finance Europe.

First, the projects are capital intensive. The loans are usually offered to big investments that requires may resources for example infrastructure projects. For effective developments, there must be large proportions of money. The construction takes a lot of time before being completed. During this phase, there is use of a lot of funds for a successful completion.

Also, the process has many risks attached to it. The initiative has a great deal of uncertainties. The lending institutions do not have an assurance that they will get their huge amounts of money back. Many participants take part in the development transactions for example observers, the government and also sponsors. There will be no accountability and the creditors may end up losing their money.

Also, this form of financing involves numerous participants. There are many international groups which have major responsibilities in implementing the investment. This includes the government whose role is to approve the investment and control the sponsors. There are also the lenders who provide the equity to start the process. The suppliers are mandates with supplying inputs during the operation and the contractor who is in charge of the construction.

Besides, the finance terms are longer. Project financing takes a long duration. The debt can only be serviced using the cash inflows received from the business. The construction period is lengthy which must be completed for the repayment to begin. The creditors invest a lot of funds which cannot be serviced within a short time. This feature applies mainly in infrastructure projects because they can be used for several years.

Moreover, this avenue is very costly. As opposed to other initiatives, it is generally very expensive to raise capital through this program. The structure used is complex and costly than the other options. It is also specialized hence increasing the total expenses used in the process. Monitoring of the venture is also needed which increase the total costs because there will be use of funds in the process.

Another characteristic is there is fixed and low returns. The repayment can only be made after the annual revenue has been obtained when the facilities is properly maintained. The financiers spend some amount of money in managing the activities which is not repaid by the beneficiary. They make an agreement about the total amount that the country will pay.

Lastly, financing ids influenced by the project performance. The viability of the anticipated venture will determine whether the sponsor will invest in it. They also look at the expected risks before giving loans. Many lenders prefer giving out loans to the most profitable ventures which will yield revenue within a short period of time.

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