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vendredi 27 octobre 2017

Vital Information On Mystic Spray Tanning

By Haywood Hunter

It was in the late 1990s that for the first time mystic spray tanning started being done in the tanning booths. Any persons who knows about the mystic tan must be aware of how safe and fast its application is. It is also among the cheapest tanning process that anyone can experience. The fact that you do not have to spend hours sunbathing makes mystic spray tanning the safest technique of skin tanning.

It is very important that you exfoliate before undergoing any mystic spray tanning experience. Mystic Spray Tanning should actually be done on a daily basis so as to get rid of any dead layers of the skin. In case you do not always do it, ensure that you get it before going for a spray tan.

To ensure that the tanning lotion is absorbed into the deep layers of the skin then you must get rid of the top layers which are made of dead cells. This way the tan will last for a longer period. There are numerous exfoliating scrubs in the cosmetic store and finding the right one will not be that difficult. Once you undergo the treatment then you will be in a better position to expect long-lasting results from the effective mystic spray tanning process. The elbows and knees should be given more time as compared to the rest parts of your body since they have a tendency of remaining darker after a skin tan.

You should never use any moisturizers before the mystic spray tanning. This is because they will form a layer that will bar the tanning lotion from being absorbed by the skin evenly. Instead you should only protect areas that you do not want the spray to get to.

To start with, you can apply lip balm and barrier cream on your lips and hands respectively. You might also need to apply the barrier cream on your feet. Mystic spray tanning requires that you protect you hair and scalp using a hair net. It is important that you have loose clothes to wear as you wait for the Mystic Spray Tanning products to dry after the process.

The mystic spray tanning process gives you three color levels to choose from. You will enter the booth and hold both arms out straight from your sides and ensure that the palms are facing down. The palms should always be facing away from the nozzle while you tilt your chin upwards to face the ceiling.

The mystic spray tanning process will usually last for only a few minutes. There are always attendants to help you out, however, if they are not there you will have a set of instructions to follow. It is always a good idea to have your back to the nozzle so that you do not startle at the beginning of the process.

You can remove all that barrier cream once the mystic spray tanning is over, then you wait for less than half an hour to dry completely. In some booths the drying is automatic and you just have to wait for two minutes or so in the booth to dry. After that you can enjoy the amazing skin tone that you have always wanted.

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