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dimanche 29 octobre 2017

Taking Hold Of A Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 Oz Bottle For A Dazzling Fake Tan

By Haywood Hunter

If you want a hassle-free olive complexion, all you need is a bottle of the Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz. Nothing else has to be done once you are through with the product's application. Your skin darkens even without letting UV light touch it.

Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz indoor tanner works excellently because of dihydroxyacetone or DHA. Basically, it is a colorless type of sugar which can cause the skin's dead cells to assume a deep brown color. Extracted from plants, it has the approval of the FDA so you can rest assured it's gentle and safe. DHA found in Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz takes about 3 hours to produce a noticeable skin tone change. Expect for the color to further intensify after 24 to 72 hours.

People who want to obtain the deepest fake suntan possible grab for a bottle of the Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz. Compared to other tanners coming from the manufacturer, this one has the most DHA content. Because of this product, you can steer clear of sunbathing for several hours, thereby saving you from having red and painful skin as well as cancer.

When you order a Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz container, you get an indoor tanner for the body and the face. As earlier mentioned, DHA is very gentle on the skin, even the sensitive kind. The manufacturer is also offering something that is formulated for facial use. It contains ingredients which help ward off premature aging signs and reverse present ones.

Apart from DHA, the Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz bottle also contains brown tint. You can tell so the moment the thick solution comes out of the plastic container after pressing the pump. This ingredient is added by the manufacturer to prevent users from missing certain spots. This brown tint also lets them feel happy with the product while DHA is doing its job.

Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz sunless tanner is sought after by those who feel more beautiful and confident with a lovely bronzed complexion. It is being used by those who don't like the idea of sitting in the sun and putting their health on the line. A bottle of Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz saves you from UV light exposure so you can dodge having skin cancer.

With the Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz container around, you can be sure that you have plenty of tanner supply. In case there's an upcoming event and you want to make heads turn, simply apply the product the day before it happens. You may also get the 8 oz variant which is perfect if you want something to take on the road or if you are on a tight budget.

Take risky sunbathing out of your life. Ordering a Sun Labs Ultra Dark Lotion 32 oz bottle lets you obtain a gorgeous fake suntan while staying safe indoors. This topically applied solution can promote darkening of the skin without the need to have it exposed to UV light unnecessarily. The very realistic sun-kissed effect may be enjoyed for about an entire week.

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