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mercredi 25 octobre 2017

How To Get A Golden Tan With Self Tanning Spray Kits

By Haywood Hunter

The old method of tanning, by laying in the sun, has become unpopular in recent years. This can be contributed to the discovery that too much sun exposure poses a significant health risk. However, the market is full of alternatives like lotions, creams, gels and self tanning spray kits. Self tanning spray kits have become a popular choice for sunless tanning. They are reasonably priced, easy to use and the results are nothing less than professional grade. Once the spray is applied and dries, the process is complete.

The chemical compound dihydroxyacetone is what triggers the tanned look of the skin. When it mixes with aminos in the skin, a reaction begins that starts this process. The FDA evaluated the use of dihydroxyacetone and deemed it safe for use. It do not cause any significant effects and provides a safer alternative to exposing the skin UVs.

Self tanning spray kits can provide a quality tan to even the most inexperienced user. As long as a few basic tips are used during the process, there should not be any problems. These tips are simple to implement and easy to understand.

Testing on the skin should always be the first step to take place. By spraying a tiny area of the skin and then waiting, one can determine if any rash is going to occur. This is also helpful in gauging how well a particular product works for an individual.

For the most effective tanning, dead skin should be removed from the body. This can be done through a simple exfoliation process. The reasoning behind this is that these sprays adhere to the outer most layer of skin. As dead skin cells fall off, the tan will become blotchy looking in a short period of time. Healthy skin cells, on the other hand, accept self tanners rather well and will provide the user with a flawless looking tan that lasts much longer.

The skin should also be moisturized after exfoliation. Moisturizer should be added a couple of hours before using self tanning spray kits. This is so it has time to soften the skin.

Users should choose dark clothing to wear when using self tanning spray kits. Often, self tanning spray kits can stain clothing. Darker colors won't show any stains as prominently as light colors.

Gloves are also useful, when using self tanning spray kits. This prevents the hands from becoming unnaturally colored during the application process. If gloves are not used, hands should be washed immediately, to prevent the color from becoming to dark.

When using self tanning spray kits, application should be done evenly. A towel near by can be used for any drips so they can be wiped away before drying. This is important for preventing a need to reapply.

After the application of self tanning spray kits, no movement should take place for a minute. If the user moves while the tanner is wet, areas like the joints will rub off. This creates problems that reveal the tan is sunless.

Even though self tanning spray kits usually contain an added SPF protection, sunscreen should still be applied any time the skin will be exposed to the sun. SPF can wear off quickly in this products. It is always best to add an extra layer of protection, just in case.

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