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vendredi 27 octobre 2017

How To Find Safe Sun Sunless Tanning Products

By Haywood Hunter

Sun sunless tanning products make it possible to have a golden tan all summer long - or all year long, if you wish - without sunbathing. Lying in the sun can be nice, but all too often you are working during peak hours. This means trying to do it all on the week-ends. It also gets darned hot lying out with suntan lotion smeared all over. Furthermore, doctors tell us that exposing our skin to direct sunlight can be very dangerous.

Getting a tan indoors in the privacy of your own home is a great way to start the season. No need to go outdoors with lily-white legs and arms and bake in the sun, which can be uncomfortable as well as against doctor's orders. Almost every health and beauty expert will recommend no more than half an hour of direct sunlight or you run the risk of premature aging of your face and neck, not to mention skin cancer.

High SPF sunscreens are available today, but these may not really make it safe to spend hours in the sun. Some health providers caution that even the strongest sunscreens do not protect the deeper layers of skin from ultraviolet rays. You may not look or feel burned, but your skin may be aging and wrinkling all the while. Sunscreens also wear off after an hour or so, leaving you vulnerable to harmful rays. Sun sunless tanning products are the answer.

Even though no one wants to get cancer or look older faster, almost everyone enjoys looking like they live outdoors in summer. A tan just plain looks good, and you will be showing a lot of skin when you don your summer clothes. The full line of self-tan lotions, sprays, foams, and gels from Sun sunless tanning products can give you the look you want quickly and safely.

There is more good news, too. Sun sunless tanning products go on easily without streaking. In addition, they do not turn your skin that fake-looking orange color that some sun-free tans deliver. You can get a natural-looking, golden tan in a matter of hours, and no one will know unless they saw you looking pale just a short time ago.

An application will give you the first light tan in three hours or so. If you want more color, just reapply whichever one of the Sun sunless tanning products you chose. A good way to tan at home is to use one of the Sun sunless tanning products at night and then just go to sleep. In the morning, you can admire your new tan.

Sun sunless tanning products come in a variety of shades and methods of application. Go online to see the compete Sun sunless tanning products line and get product descriptions. You can apply a lotion, foam, or gel manually or try a spray application. Did you know you could 'airbrush' a tan in the privacy of your own home? Sun sunless tanning products include a kit for quick and easy tanning in this way.

Sun sunless tanning products are just what both your doctor and your fashion guru will approve. You will safely get a golden, sun-kissed look that is perfect for the carefree days of summer without damaging your skin. Sun sunless tanning products are safe for all skin types, even for sensitive facial areas.

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