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mardi 31 octobre 2017

How To Create A Glowing Complexion On Skin With A Sunless Tanning Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Many people are increasingly turning to use of self tanners because they have proved to be safer than burning the skin in sun. Previously, people who have basked on sun aiming to tan their body have experienced serious health complications. A sunless tanning lotion can offer the tint you want on skin without causing damages.

Exposure to UV light on skin can lead to effects some of which are life-threatening. Damaging UV light from the sun is associated with skin cancer. In addition, for you to obtain that tint which changes the look of skin, you will need to get sunrays exposure for an extended time. This increases the chances of damaging the skin.

The good thing about these problems is that they can be avoided by preparing the skin before you put the tan. The first step you would want to do is choose a self tanner that is suitable for your skin. Different people have different skin sensitivities. Some lotions may react with sensitive skin.

Some areas such as the chest may have thick hair, which makes the application of tan difficult. The hair could trap some of the tan making it cause streaks or orange appearance. You can shave and wax the arms and legs for a perfect tint. In cleaning the body, you will be able to open up the pores.

Some formulations may have harmful and damaging effects to skin. In addition, some of the formulations tint the skin immediately while others will build a tan slowly over several days or weeks. You may have some lotions what will offer a tint for a short time while other are long lasting and could take weeks before they fade away.

Regardless of the type of skin you have, it is best that you consider exfoliating it before applying a tan product. Sometimes, the skin may have dry and flaky patches which make it hard for the self tan lotion to penetrate the pores. For an even distribution of tanner, ensure you scrub your skin using exfoliators.

If you fail to do so, you may end up with unimpressive results such as a patchy look rather than a pretty tan finish. Although the uppermost layer of your skin will eventually slough off within some days, when you scrub and exfoliate it, you expose a fresh layer of skin which will remain around for longer. Some areas of your skin may be too dry to absorb the lotions. Parts of skin like the hands may need to be moisturized using a moisturizer.

However, not all body parts need to be moisturized. Only hard and dry parts can be moisturized. Before putting the tan on skin, make sure the body is dry. If you have taken a shower, allow your body to dry. Presence of moisture or wet areas can lighten the tan product and allow it to drip on surface of skin creating streaks and unsightly marks. These are some of the things you would want to look at when you are tanning your body using lotions.

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