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samedi 21 octobre 2017

Factors To Bear In Mind When Choosing The Best Face Tanning Cream

By Haywood Hunter

For people with light skin, they are usually faced with a very pale face, due to the lack of a good suntan. They will thus have to resort to buying a face tanning cream. A good face tanning cream gives one a beautiful golden glow. Buying a good cream is not easy, especially with the numerous options out there. There are however a few things one has to check to ensure that they are getting the best products.

To achieve the perfect golden glow, you have to ensure that your skin is well hydrated. To get a well hydrated skin, you will have to use a cream with a high amount of moisture in it. This will ensure that rather than getting a dry ashy skin, you will have the moist and beautiful skin. When shopping for a face tanning cream ensure that the moisture content is very high.

Sensitive skin needs to be protected, even when using face tanning cream. When shopping for a face tanning cream ensure that it has the right ingredients to soothe the skin. Facial skin is usually quite delicate, especially around the eyes.

Sun protection factor is another important factor to check for. The skin, even in its tanned state will need to be protected from the harsh sun rays. If you cannot find one with the right sun protection factor, you can use a combination of your face tanning cream and sunscreen.

Go online and check that your face tanning cream has been approved by the governing body in charge of skincare products. If you are not quite sure that a product is safe, carry a sample of it to your dermatologist and have them look at it. They will be at a position to tell you whether you can start using it or whether you have to avoid it.

Check for added ingredients in your face tanning cream. Nowadays, manufacturers are adding special formulas such as aloe, lanolin and cocoa butter. Cocoa butter serves the purpose of clearing blemishes and stretch marks to give you a smooth, even tone. Aloe is especially recommended for those with damaged skin since it offers soothing relief while repairing the skin cells, in order to give you a fresh, youthful skin.

The face tanning cream that you choose should give your skin a glow, not make it shine. Shiny skin looks conspicuously fake, so you have to be very careful not to let it look too shiny. To have an idea of what it will look like, test some of it out on your jawline and let it sit for an hour or so.

Oil based creams will only end up clogging the pores, hence you should avoid them. Clogged pores will lead to the eruption of pimples and whiteheads on the face. Choose a cream that is water based. This will give you the exact same level of hydration without necessarily clogging your pores out. Do not be fooled the next time you go out to buy face tanning cream. Ensure that you consider all these factors and you will have a long lasting golden glow on your face. Take your time and choose the best face tanning cream.

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