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dimanche 22 octobre 2017

Enjoying Sunless Suntan Using Topical Solutions

By Haywood Hunter

It's possible to enjoy a darker and lovelier complexion without exposing one's self to UV rays. There are plenty of Sunless Suntan products that are applied on the skin, in the form of sprays, lotion, creams or gels. Capable of providing realistic results, a lot of people consider these alternatives as safer than sunbathing and cheaper than stepping foot in a tanning salon.

The popularity of Sunless Suntan products started when researches linked excessive exposure to harmful UV rays to skin cancer. Since then, many topical alternatives to sunbathing were introduced, and they were received very well by consumers. Up until now, these solutions are preferred by those avoiding the risks involved with too much sun exposure.

Most of these Sunless Suntan products contain DHA to deliver the desired effect. Short for dihydroxyacetone, this FDA-approved chemical is actually a form of colorless sugar. It interacts with dead skin cells upon application, changing into a darker hue. Results may be seen after about an hour. Most of the time, the full color is attained after a 24-hour period.

Bathing or showering is perfectly fine as the color cannot be washed off with water. Gradual disappearance of the resulting tan happens because dead skin cells naturally slough off. A lot of manufacturers of topically applied Sunless Suntan solutions say that the effect may last anywhere from 5 to 7 days. There are different shades available, ranging from light to very dark.

Applying a Sunless Suntan product evenly is important. By doing so, you may achieve the most natural looking tan. There are several application techniques printed on the label to help you attain the best result possible. Some people prefer items that come in gel, lotion or cream. Others like using Sunless Suntan sprays better. You may simply ask for the help of a friend or relative to do the application on body parts that are not within your easy reach, like the back.

Using tanning beds are not that entirely safe, according to some experts. The lamps they employ give off pretty much the same type of radiation that comes from the sun. What's more, not all people have access to a tanning salon. Besides, even if there is an establishment in the area, the application of a Sunless Suntan item at home is more practical. You can come up with professional quality results with practice.

Other than for health and safety reasons, many people go for Sunless Suntan solutions for their practicality. Using Sunless Suntan products is cheaper than stepping foot inside a tanning salon. If you constantly go to such establishment to maintain that sun-kissed glow, the cost of trying to look more attractive can add up quickly. In particular when you shop online, you can come across so many well-known brands that are offered by vendors at affordable prices.

Don't assume that all Sunless Suntan products are the same. Especially if you're a first-timer in the world of self-tanning, it pays to do some researches first. Find out which of the current brands many people prefer to use. It's also a good idea to get the personal recommendations of friends or family members who tan themselves in ways safer than sunbathing.

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