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jeudi 12 octobre 2017

Applying New Sunless Tanning Lotions, Gels And Spray Suntan Creams

By Haywood Hunter

Sunless tanning lotions, gels and creams have become sought after products in recent years. Getting a natural suntan requires several hours in the sun, which is very dangerous over time. There are also individuals that do not tan in the sun. These sunless tan lotions are the perfect solution for safe and fast tans without the risk of sun damage.

Sunless tan products are available in different forms. There are sprays, airbrushing techniques, lotions, creams and gel products. The sunless tanning lotions and creams are a safer option than constant exposure to the sun. Frequent tanners are often advised to use sunless tan lotions and other products to protect their skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

The lotions work by the inclusion of a chemical that is called DHA which cause the upper layer of the skin to become tan. The end results are a nice bronze that mimics a natural tan. This tan will normally last for up to a week without fading.

The newer tanning products do not rely on pigments of stains to darken the skin. These pigments often stain clothing and provide an artificial looking tan that is not very appealing. Many of the older products leave an orange hue to the skin but the new sunless tanning lotions offer more natural looking results.

Tanners will find many advantages to using self tanning lotions and other similar products. The main advantage is not having to expose the skin to UV rays to obtain a sun tan. UV rays have been known to cause skin cancer at should be avoided whenever possible. Sunless tanning lotions typically include sunscreen.

Sunless tanning lotions are certainly a safer way to receive a sun tan than exposure to the sun or tanning beds. These skin tan products are not difficult to use and the last for a good amount of time. The skin appears naturally tan as soon as the lotion is applied to the skin.

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