Obstruction lights occur in various groups, generally divided into three. The low-intensity light classification, for instance, is applicable to locations have a low concentration of structures or objects. The category as well has object or structures standing at less than 45 meters from ground level.
The other category of obstruction light is referred to as medium intensity lights. This is usually used in cases where the structures and even other object are distributed quite extensively. On the other hand, the heights of structures, as well as objects in such areas stand above 45 meters from the ground levels to allow such lights to be applicable. The final category or classification is the high-intensity obstacle lighting that remain usable as an indication of the existence of structures or objects standing 150 meters above ground level.
Presently, regulations enforce the reliance on white strobes in the day while at night red lights are preferred. This is for the reason that pilots usually have easier time spotting red lights at night hence their common use around urban areas. White strobes, on the contrary, are commonly recommended for use in places that are sparsely populated.
Spotting white strobes when flying at night, however, remains tricky. It is on this basis that their preferred use is normally during the day as opposed to being used at night. Additionally, various health concerns are posed by the strobes to individuals living within their vicinity. Medium-intensity strobes of white are commonly placed on structures that stand 200-500 feet tall above ground level. However, if medium-intensity light is placed on a structure standing 500 feet tall from ground level, some painting will be necessary.
The high intensity white strobes are used on structures that extend to 700 feet or more, to ensure that the structure can be easily noticed. They can also be used at any time, whether during the day or at night. Also, the aircrafts are fitted with warning lights for other aircrafts to see them. Such lights are such as landing lights, wingtip strobes, white flashing beacons, and wingtip navigation lights.
Commonly, the crafting of obstruction lights permit easy identification of faults via warnings signs usually relayed to maintenance teams. They generally possess alarms systems that are in-built and this alarms usually generate sounds when breakdowns occur. Apart from safety, the lights can be said to be eco-friendly for the reason there is no harm that is posed to the environment.
The obstacle lights are also made of high-quality components. As a result, they have minimal maintenance and replacement costs. Also, the quality materials improves the lifespan of these lights significantly. Since these lights are efficient, they consume less electricity that translate into less power bill.
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