Your first priority should be ensuring that these animals are captured and returned to the wild safely. There are some people who believe that one can actually tame these animals however if you cannot think about harmless ways you can get them back into the wilderness. You will mainly find them near water sources like kitchen or bathroom therefore be careful.
Ensure that there are no holes leading into your home compound. These insects can fit through any hole especially those that your piping system passes through. Make sure that all the openings are sealed to keep of these dangerous insects. Since they are attracted by water areas ensure that your drainage system is always clean and dry throughout the week.
One should make sure that there are no other insects that they can feed one. When these insets lack food they will automatically look for a place with food. Fill your home with their predators because they will not stay in a place where they are being preyed on. There are spiders big and dangerous enough to feed on these insects and that is what one should focus on.
There are some pets that do chase after these creatures but most people do not like putting their pets into that situation for the fear of their animals being harmed. Let your pet have an automatic courage to go after the animal and if not just set it free. Having your pets feed on these creatures of one of the natural ways to keep off the brown insects away from your compound.
It is known that a lot of insects cannot put up with the strong smell produced by rosemary and that is the same case with these brown and poisonous insects. They are known to hate the strong smell from lavender plant so if you planted it around your home it would keep them off. You will be in a position to stay free from these insects.
Look for someone who takes care of these animals for a living. There are experts who have the required credentials to ensure that these insects are not a bother to people. When you call a certain company make sure they are legalized and have the required credentials to operate within that area. Look for someone who can carefully handle these creatures.
However in case all the natural methods are not working it is recommended that one sprays the areas that are fully infested with these animals. Make sure you know the exact areas they are located so that the work can be easier for you. In case you delay they might interbreed leading to more infestation that you might be unable to get rid off.
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